We provide a personalized coaching experience to help you develop the skills to pursue your desires and achieve greater satisfaction in life.

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Is Coaching Right for you?

Do you find yourself going over and over past hurts or incidents that you can’t seem to move on from?Do you feel like every time you try to make changes in your life it’s ‘one step forward three steps back’?Have you resigned yourself to believing that this is as good as life gets even if you know you’d like more for you or your family?

Does it feel that even when you start your day in a good mood, life’s circumstances have you frustrated or downright angry by lunch?Do you feel like you know you’re meant for more but can’t ever have the break through to get there?Do you always seem to attract the same type of people to your life; the ones who put you down and try to make you feel small?

Do you feel misunderstood; like no one really sees the true you?Do you look at your life and realize that you’ve always gotten the short end of the stick or that things just don’t work out the way you’d like?Do you have a dream or a goal that you’ve been trying to attain but no matter what you do, you always end up back where you started?

Do you find yourself holding back on imagining a better life because you don’t want to fail?Does the thought of failing keep you playing small in life?Do you stop yourself from doing things because you don’t think you’ll get it right?Are your relationships more frustrating than fulfilling?

What to expect

What I do as a coach is all about you.
Each session is customized to what you need.
Whatever your unique goals are, we'll work on understanding negative thought patterns and break through the mindset and beliefs that are holding you back. We will be addressing the connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviors from many aspects allowing you to finally feel in control of your life and outcomes.

get started now

Click below or scan the QR Code to schedule a free consultation.

What makes us different

- No more information overload
- No more struggling to apply the things that are taught in the book, podcast or group coaching program
- No more temporary changes


Complete mind renewal

About Me

Let me start by way of an introduction; My name is Barb Brasfield, I have been practicing as a Licensed Clinical Therapist for over 25 years in various settings with a diverse population of clients and presenting problem areas.As the world has changed over the past few years, I have found my practice shifting away from treating diagnosable mental health issues and instead meeting the needs of my clients who found themselves feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and just overall needing assistance with life’s transitions and changes. I also began to recognize that gone are the days of my clients coming to me completely helpless; people now seek help after having done copious amounts of research and self discovery. This really should be shifting the helping relationship away from the old medical model of psychotherapy and into more of a partnership and empowering relationship. Unfortunately the world of “therapy/diagnosis/insurance” hasn’t quite caught up with this way of thinking. I recognized that these more generalized presenting problems along with an educated and motivated client population could be more fully and appropriately addressed in a coaching environment. Therefore, I began to embark on the journey of learning and applying specific techniques to help my clients make significant changes in a shorter period of time than I had been previously.


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